Cancellation Policy
At the moment cacellations are not accepted due to the high volume of customers, if you wish to cancel before 48 hours of the date and time established in this contract in reservations, the sum equivalent to three days of rent will be charged and the tenant accepts that it is charged to your credit card.; after 48 hours you will be given a credit for the monetary value which will be valid for one year from the date of your original contract to be used again for the current value of our services.
How to find us Cómo encontrarnos
Our main office is located in the vicinity of the second largest shopping mall in Puerto Rico - Plaza Carolina, at the eastern end of 65th Infantería Avenue, next to Marshalls & Home Goods. For more precise directions see the map.
Nuestra oficina principal está ubicada en las inmediaciones del segundo centro comercial más grande de Puerto Rico - Plaza Carolina, en el extremo este de la Avenida 65 Infantería, al lado de Marshalls & Home Goods. Para direcciones más precisas ver el mapa.